Introduction – history and basic idea behind random matrix theory
Atomic nuclei deciphered – first application of
random matrices in physics: statistical properties of energy levels in
atomic nuclei explained with so-called Gaussian ensembles
Quantum chaos – an amazing conjecture linking random matrix theory with chaotic
Nuclear physics in the 50's
Energy levels in nuclei
Comparison of distributions
Histogram of energy levels. Level repulsion visible
Random matrix theory
Study of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, whose elements are random variables.
Eugene Wigner (1902-1995)
1930's: first appearance – mathematical statistics
1950's: Wigner – application to nuclear physics
1960's: Dyson – huge contributions
1980's: Bohigas, Giannoni, Schmit – conjecture linking chaos in quantum regime with
random matrices
1980's-now: explosive growth of new applications, such as number theory (Montgomery,
In quantum mechanics systems are characterised by their Hamiltonians, represented by
Hermitian matrices, and their states and energies are eigenvectors and
eigenvalues of these matrices.
Statistical ensemble of matrices, each corresponding to some system. Expectation:
very few systems' properties will deviate from that of the average
(Ensemble: possible states of the system + their probability distribution)
Even if global properties of the system (e.g. energy) differ, we expect their local
statistical properties (e.g. spacings between energy levels) will look similar to those of the
ensemble average
Statistical ensemble of matrices, each corresponding to some system. Expectation:
very few systems' properties will deviate from that of the average
→ like in statistical physics
Gaussian ensembles
Gaussian ensembles
Let's consider an N×Ncomplex matrix,
whose matrix elements we draw independently from a Gaussian
distribution (effectively 2N2
random variables), e.g. p(Hij)=2π1e−21∣Hij∣2
Independence of matrix elements → probability density of getting an arbitrary matrix H is p(H)=∏ijp(Hij)∝e−21TrH2
Gaussian ensembles
Gaussian unitary ensemble
We want to model quantum-mechanical systems via their hamiltonians – which must be
hermitian (H=H†).
The remaining part of the ensemble we call Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE)
Gaussian unitary ensemble
When 'hermitian' is not enough
Over-all symmetries of the system additionally constrain the form of H.
Example: rotational symmetry ⟹ angular
momentum operators can always be chosen in a way that makes the hamiltonian real
symmetric (H=HT)
We can throw out all non-real matrices from GUE to make the model
The remaining ensemble is called Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE)
Gaussian orthogonal ensemble
Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture
When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine
the future.
Edward Lorentz
Conditions for chaos:
Exponential sensitivity to change in initial conditions
Limited available "space"
Example: the three-body problem is chaotic if the masses can't escape
Intuition: a chaotic system can eventually end up at any configuration, and this
probability does not change in time → ensemble average best describes the unknown behaviour of
the system
→ statistical physics again!
Dynamical billiards
Classically chaotic, ergodic systems
Example: Bunimovich stadium
Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture
Spectra of chaotic quantum systems show the same local properties as those of the
respective Gaussian ensemble
Conjecture supported by various numerical studies, and consistency with results from semi-classical
Chaos: we don't know which state the system is in
Unknown state → random state; our representation of states:
Ergodicity: average over the ensemble is most likely to correspond with the real
→ similar argumentation as in the beginning, intuition from statistical physics!
Dynamical billiards
Microwave billiard
Quantum-like experimental realisation
Quantum version of a dynamical billiard, realised with microwave resonant cavities
Sinai billiard – frequencies distribution. Dotted line – GOE
Other applications
Riemann hyphotesis: Hilbert–Pólya conjecture states that ζ
zeros correspond to energy levels of a dynamical system. Later
empirical data showed agreement with GUE ensemble (Montgomery, Dyson,
Quantum scattering: modeled with other types of
Gaussian matrices – Dyson's circular ensembles, evolution operators
instead of hamiltonians, hermiticity → unitarity
Mathematical statistics: estimation of covariance in multivariate statistics
Optimisation of memorisation in the training of neural networks
Modeling synaptic connections
Modeling geographical distribution of trees in Scandinavia, and administrative departments in France
Random matrix theory is in its core a very simple idea that gives spectacular
insights into the statistics of many complex systems
It is mostly known from nuclear physics where it predicted the distribution of
energy spacings in atomic nuclei
Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture states that random matrices describe quantum
systems that would be chaotic in the classical regime
Random matrix theory has many different applications in seemingly distinct areas,
from neuron modeling to number theory, and a lot of potential applications still awaits
their discovery
Thank you!
Random matrix theory
Tomasz Necio
University of Warsaw